TDA Pumps

Air driven, high volume, high pressure, TDA pumps to 21,600psi

Typical Applications

  • Pressure testing of large i.d. pipelines, hose umbilicals, wellhead control valves...
  • Chemical injection including methanol and glycol
  • Pre-charge of hydraulic accumulators
  • Operation of Sub-Sea Valves
  • Pre-fill and pre-pressurisation of high pressure and high volume test systems


  • Ability to stall at any predetermined pressure and hold this pressure without consuming power or generating heat
  • Infinitely variable cycling speed and flow
  • Reliable, easy to maintain, compact and robust
  • Dual seals between hydraulic and air sections with captured vent port as standard

Construction Materials

  • Hydraulic Section - Mainly stainless steels with water and/or oil service duty seals
  • Air Drive Section - Mainly anodised aluminium with Buna N seals
  • Special Seals for handling special fluids or chemicals are available
  • Option for ATEX-approved version

Performance Data

Dimensional Data




Location of United States: US: LooKup no Session price: priceUSArray ( [userLocation] => US [userRegion] => North America )