Special/Custom Test Rigs

  • Trailer mounted Chemical Injection, Pressure Test, Grease Injection and Hydraulic Valve Control Unit. Complete with on-board diesel driven compressor. For desert operation with dust protection tarpaulin included.
  • Safety Relief Valve Test Console with integral Nitrogen Gas Booster Pump and selection of high accuracy test gauges
  • Industrial Console for Valve Operation, (open shot) hydraulic power provided by 2- SC Air Driven Hydraulic Pumps
  • Single Outlet Hose Test Rig to 10,000 psi hydrostatic pressure with an air test facility up to 500psi using a 5/1 air booster, boosting from an inlet compressed air supply of 120 psi. Features a stainless steel proof test cabinet with Lexan safety glass viewing window.




Location of United States: US: LooKup no Session price: priceUSArray ( [userLocation] => US [userRegion] => North America )