Hydraulic Intensifiers: 150,000 psi

The 150,000 psi Hydraulic Intensifier is designed with a ratio of areas on the two pistons of 10 to 1. Consequently, pressures up to 150,000 psi can be achieved by using a commercially available lower pressure (15,000 psi) pump.  

Operation of this intensifier is illustrated in the typical installation shown in the schematic on facing page 11.4. 

Material of construction for the pressure containing parts is 4340 alloy steel (or equivalent) properly heat treated for use at elevated pressures. Only non-corrosive type fluids should be used. The high pressure packing is housed in a separate removable stuffing box. This design permits improved concentricity and facilitates close tolerance machining of the packing area. 

Capacity per stroke at the high pressure end is 1.2 cubic inches. Capacity at the low pressure end is 12.6 cubic inches per stroke. Piston travel is 4 inches.Weight is approximately 150 pounds. 

Standard connections are for 1/4" O.D. tubing (HF4) on the low pressure end and 3/8" O.D. x 1/16" I.D. tubing (XF6) on the high pressure end.


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