
The coned and threaded tubing ends for the medium, high and ultra high pressure connections may be supplied by any of the following: 

  1. Standard length tubing nipples with ends prepared. Maintained in stock - ready for shipment.
  2. Special length tubing nipples with ends prepared. Specify length required (up to 22 feet long). Add coning and threading charge to tubing price. (While not in stock, special length nipples can be furnished quickly for prompt delivery).
  3. Preparation of tubing ends at your own facility by hand tooling as described in this section.

The coning and threading tools are designed for simple yet accurate preparation of tubing ends for the medium, high and ultra high pressure connections. A liberal amount of cutting lubricant should be used, and a supply is furnished with each order for tooling. Interchangeable spare parts allow easy change over from one size tubing to another on both the coning and threading tools. Note that the reseating tool is not required for tubing preparation.


Location of United States: US: LooKup no Session price: priceUSArray ( [userLocation] => US [userRegion] => North America )