Flow Coefficients

The flow coefficient Cv is a valve sizing designation commonly determined by laboratory test. It corresponds to the flow rate of water through a valve in US gallons per minute at 60 ̊F with a differential pressure drop of one psi.

Flow coefficients of various HiP valves

Valve CV
15-11AF1 0.03
15-11AF2 0.05
10-11AF4 0.15
10-11AF6 0.15
20-11LF4 0.17
20-11LF6 0.45
20-11LF9 1.12
10-11LF12 3.65
20-11LF12 2.29
10-11LF16 5.91
20-11LF16 3.86
30-11HF2 0.04
30-11HF4 0.09
30-11HF6 0.15
30-11HF9 0.15
30-11HF16 2.29
40-11HF9 0.15
60-11HF2 0.04
60-11HF4 0.04
60-11HF6 0.04
60-11HF9 0.04
100-11XF4 0.04
150-11XF6 0.04
10-11NFA 0.15
10-11NFB 0.15
10-11NFC 0.15
10-11NFD 1.12
15F-11NFA 0.45
15F-11NFB 0.45
15F-11NFC 1.12
15F-11NFD 1.12
10F-11NFF 5.91
10F-11NFH 5.91
Valve CV
15-12AF1 0.045
15-12AF2 0.075
10-12AF4 0.225
10-12AF6 0.225
20-12LF4 0.255
20-12LF6 0.675
20-12LF9 1.68
10-12LF12 5.475
20-12LF12 3.435
10-12LF16 8.865
20-12LF16 5.79
30-12HF2 0.06
30-12HF4 0.135
30-12HF6 0.225
30-12HF9 0.225
30-12HF16 3.435
40-12HF9 0.225
60-12HF2 0.06
60-12HF4 0.06
60-12HF6 0.06
60-12HF9 0.06
100-12XF4 0.06
150-12XF6 0.06
10-12NFA 0.225
10-12NFB 0.225
10-12NFC 0.225
10-12NFD 0.18
15F-12NFA 0.675
15F-12NFB 0.675
15F-12NFC 1.68
15F-12NFD 1.68
10F-12NFF 8.865
10F-12NFH 8.865

With the Cv coefficient known, the following values can be calculated:


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